LSAT Day 2

Xavier Lieberman
2 min readMay 5, 2021

Hello world, you won’t be able to find my LSAT Day 1 Journal as it was popped up randomly yesterday.

I never believe in myself. Perhaps when I do everything, I blindly react to the stimulator. Therefore, I never get to the excellent point of my life.

At the age of 38, I am now restarting my life engine and focus on some goals that perhaps will make myself fulfilled. One of them will be LSAT.

So why LSAT, why now? I submitted all documents to register as an immigration consultant. I really hope that I could get the license in May 2021. Even I may get the license as planned, I do believe the 1 year training at Humber College won’t be sufficient to handle difficult cases. Besides, the immigration law is related to criminal law, family law and even commercial law when it comes to business stream. I wanna be well equipped with not only the essential knowledge but the skills to advocate before the board and court. So, I decide to go for law schools.

I got admitted to a Scottish Law School, not the top ranked university in terms of academic but the one approved by the Scot Law Society to be a qualifying law degree to take further training so that I could become a solicitor. Of course, I am not going to become a solicitor in Scotland but there is a pathway that I could transition to Canadian law degree. Long story short, England and Wales are dumping the law degree and allow non-law degree holders sit for the qualifying exams. So, whats the point of taking a degree which is no used anymore? Why don’t I go straight to Canadian Law Schools?

With that thought, I decided to study LSAT seriously as it is said LSAT component weighs 50%+ of the application total points.

I looked at some forums, and even age groups of people getting to law school. I hate to know that most of them are in their 20s, not reaching 40 like myself. Am I weak? For now yes, physically and mentally.

Yesterday, I listened to a podcast about a guy started with a score of 138 and in 3 years, he reached 173 something, enough to get to some law schools in USA, and with Canada, for sure! So, he said LSAT was not like final exam at college but it requires practice and discipline. So, boy, I hear you!

Today is my second to do physical exercise as you suggested. I am also an early riser like you. I decided to take cold shower to both increase my endurance and health.

Today, I am studying a book THE LSAT TRAINER of Mike Kim. This week plan is to complete the Introductions Chapter and take Diagnostic (Practice Exam №72) as Mike’s suggestion!

Finally, I write this for myself about changing my routines:

  • Keep phone away during every 1 hour of deep studying
  • Not checking emails during 1 hour of deep studying

Now, I am going to get back to work and talk to you tomorrow!



Xavier Lieberman

I am a kind dreamer longing for a simple meaningful life